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Unions 21
| Podcast

The Future Of Work - Taming The Robots

Episode length: 37:24:00

We’ve heard already about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the robots are coming. Apocalyptic job losses mitigated by case studies of how algorithms can be controlled by collective bargaining. Now hear how AI can be made to work for the many, as they say, not the few.

In the latest Unions21 podcast, Becky and I talk to Christina Colclough and Jonnie Penn about their work with the 20m strong UNi Global Union and the Future World of Work project. Are the fears for the future justified? How can we use this new technology to our benefit? There is no one better qualified or more articulate on this most pressing of subjects.

In a heartfelt defence of the need for “human agency” in the industrial process, Christina and Jonnie set out not just why this is so important, but how we can make change happen. As she says, “we are at a break point in history” in our relationship with technology.

If you are in any way interested in AI, work, workspaces and workplaces, employee or industrial relations, this is must-hear stuff.

We also touch base with the latest campaign for a properly funded justice system (shout out to former Unions21 fellow Steven Littlewood), a new recognition deal in the telecoms sector, how to secure you ticket for the fast-filling-up Unions21 conference and Becky’s fondness for sci-fi from Isaac Asimov to Altered Carbon!

You can access this and all Unions21 podcasts here.

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